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Mr. Farkas' Welcome,

Hi there and welcome to my math classes website. Here at MMS we strive to differentiate our math classes meeting the needs of each student individually. How do we accomplish this task? We assess each student and organize our classes based on ability not grade level. We also differentiate within each class allowing students to progress at their own pace and hold them accountable to master concepts. An example is my 1st period math class. Here you will find Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Calculus. Each sub group progressing at their own pace being pushed and tutored as needed. With this approach...the sky's the limit! 


I love it when people come by to see what's happening so please stop by anytime.

Chur chur,

​Dave Farkas

Math Faculty



"Sir Isaac Newton"

If I have seen further than others, it is by I've standing on the shoulders of giants.


We use Holt McDougal as our backbone curricular material and supplement it with a variety of other resources. 


We also utilize Khan Academy to taret specific skill development. 

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